What is Covered in a Cast Iron Pipe Claim?

If you’re experiencing damage from cast iron pipes, you’re wondering what is covered?
Typically, it is the water damage that ensues as a result of that cast-iron deteriorating. If you realize you have some sort of leak in your bathroom and that leak, damages the baseboard, drywall or any vanity that you have in the bathroom, your policy will cover that damage. It will also cover any work associated with replacing that rusted cast iron pipe. So, if you have to break the floor to access the pipe and pull it out, they’ll pay for that but they will not pay for the actual pipe itself to replace it. That’s okay because generally the cost of the actual pipe is pretty low comparted to the labor to access it. That may include ripping up floors and breaking through the foundation. If you have questions about what damages are covered in your policy, schedule a policy review with your insurance agent or a property claims attorney.

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