What kind of damage does a fire cause?

A home fire can have devastating consequences. During the fire, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide fill the air. When inhaled, they can damage or rupture a person’s respiratory system leading to their death.

The amount of the damage caused depends on the intensity of the fire. Fire damage can be observed in multiple forms. It can burn your appliances and cover your home in soot. The heat from the fire can burn your skin.

An accidental fire can damage your property significantly. The damage caused by the fire may require serious investments to repair. Sometimes, it’s difficult for homeowners or business owners to assess the extent of damage caused by the fire.

You can notice some of the effects of fire damage instantly. Once the fire starts spreading, you will realize that many of your items have been burned to the ground. When this fire spreads to the walls, doors, cabinets, it leaves a trail of destruction. You may have to evacuate the property before the repairs can begin.

Generally, fires start in the kitchen and spread to the other parts of the house. It’s so common because the kitchen has multiple heat sources. Any of these heat sources can be the starting point for the fire. As the fire spreads from one heat source to another, it becomes difficult to put it out. Your kitchen space is at risk of going up in flames if immediate action is not taken.

If you have suffered from damages caused by a fire, you should seek compensation. Usually, homeowners file for an insurance claim to get compensated for the destruction caused by fire. You can get compensation not only for movable but immovable properties as well.

If the fire starts without any fault on your part, you will be fairly compensated by the insurance company. However, the procedure to file a fire insurance claim in Florida isn’t always smooth. First, the instance company looks into the claim, collects reports from the agencies, assesses the damage, and then proceeds with the claim. Even if they have all the necessary information with them, they
may reject your claim or blame you for the incident.

We, at Desir Law firm, understand the complexities of the insurance policy and explain it to our clients in the simplest terms. Moreover, we fight for the rights of our clients if the insurance companies refuse to compensate them. If you ever need to apply for a fire insurance claim, reach out to us.

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